Victory Youth
Support Organization
Executive Director Committee.
Mr Fredy Ngatigwa.
Victory Youth Support Organization (VIYOSO) is a Non Governmental and Non profit Making Organization, incorporated under societies law No.24 of 2002 of Tanzania to carry out its mandate in matters. It was officially registered in 2009, and got its certificate of compliance in September 2011. Its registration No. 00NG0/00004995
The need to establish VIYOSO was to fight poverty, support vulnerable groups and prepare healthy youth for a strong future generation for the Stability of Tanzania Nation.
A Situation analysis of economy shows that in Morogoro Region poverty is the major problem which affects the community at large because of low productivity in economic activities, diseases such as Malaria and HIV/AIDS, low educational level and lack of entrepreneurship skills.
The other need to establish VIYOSO was to facilitate youth, women and vulnerable groups development through various Economic, Social and Cultural programs and Creation of activities which provide stability and sustainability to the youth welfare
The primary objective of VIYOSO is to bring together community of Morogoro with a view of sharing and providing them with some skills and knowledge in the spirit of promoting economic, social, cultural development and environmental protection. VIYOSO will facilitate the following strategic objectives:-
To provide training opportunities to the youths, women and other vulnerable groups for their future development
To combat poverty through self help activities that can promote income to the targeted groups like youth, women, orphan, aged and disabled.
To reduce HIV/AIDS infection and other sexual transmitted diseases in the population through training, workshops, seminars and short courses.
To promote cooperation and unity among the groups through sports, arts and other recreational activities.
To promote good governance through civic education.
To preserve and enrich environment.
To mobilize internal and external resources to ensure smooth running of programs, projects and interventions
To network with other organizations and partners, locally and internationally.
To empower Woman
VIYOSO perceives POVERTY in local community settings as a situation which can be minimized mainly by providing sustainable approach to poverty prevention and control through education, economic empowerment, participation, behavior change, intensified advocacy and support for youth and women.
VIYOSO also believes that equitable access to services for those youth is a fundamental aspect for improvement of beneficiaries quality life and social well being
VIYOSO will accordingly work with local authorities at all levels including district, ward and villages, community groups and volunteers to reach rural communities with communities initiated techniques.
VIYOSO will likewise team up and join partnership with internal and external donors, network with local NGOs, CBOs and FBOs for experience sharing and exchange of visions, missions and activities.
VIYOSO is governed by an annual general assembly. The annual general assembly appoints the chairperson and executive committee. The annual general assembly is responsible for making decisions over policies and strategies, reviewing performance of programs as well as receiving and adopting audited financial statements and budget.
The executive committee consists of a chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer and five appointed members
The executive committee implements the decisions and directives of the annual general assembly and is responsible super vising for day to day activities of organization. The general assembly meets once in a year, while the executive committee meets thrice a year.
Mr George Ngaweje
Chairman Executive Committee.
Mrs Hilda Bundala
Secretary Executive Committee.